Friday, April 08, 2005

Animation Show Tonight!

Yay! The day has finally come! now I can leap like a crazy woman. I'm a little mad that our Denver newspapers did write their own reviews. Denver Post used a review from The New York Times while Rocky Mountain News only wrote a little blurb about it. Hopefully the Westword will write an original review ><. I guess at least I don't have any spoilers ^^. I did a few last flyer stops such as The CU Computer Animation lab and also used magical chalk to annonce the glory of The Animation Show to pedestrians. I'll post some more pictures of the premiere tonight! I'm so pressed for time lately. My college projects have piled up on me. Arghh! So I'm working furiously on them right now so I can enjoy The Animation Show. And as I am complaining my poor older sister is going through her thesis. She has to justify her paper in front of a panel of professors tonight. Best of Luck! You can read her rantings at her blog:

Gosh I'm just so excited!

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